Whack the boss 2 fantasy
Whack the boss 2 fantasy

whack the boss 2 fantasy

Whack Your Boss 2: Fantasy Edition (2016) Worker uses the Boss' pencil, and stabs him in the neck, until he is dead.Worker uses it's computer, dropping it on the Boss' head.Worker smashes bottle made of glass, and pushes it in the Boss' face until he is dead.Then Worker stabs the Boss in his chin to make him silent. Worker stabs the Boss with a letter opener, making the Boss' intestines fall out.Worker strangles Boss with a telephone wire.Worker hits the boss repeatedly with a clock until he is dead.Then the Worker stamps on the Boss' head until he is dead. Once Boss falls on the ground, his head is in a suitcase. Worker whack the Boss with his briefcase.Worker grabs the Boss,sniping him around the office,making him land his neck on a coat hanger.Worker shut the door on his drawer,on the Boss' head, after the Boss had a inspection of the files inside of the drawers.He even makes sure that he is dead by electrocuting his feet with the lamp. Worker grabs a lamp on his desk,and hits the Boss until he dies.


Worker slams the Boss' face on a shelf drawer, making a big blood patch on door.Worker launches himself onto the Boss, crashing them together to another office,beating up the Boss to death.

whack the boss 2 fantasy

Worker slams his fist into the Boss,takes a water barrel, and pushes it inside the Boss' mouth until he dies.Then he pushes the chair with the Boss tied up out of the office, crashing him through a window.

whack the boss 2 fantasy

  • Worker uses his own belt to tie Boss onto his wheelchair.
  • Worker beats up the Boss with a golf club.
  • Worker slits out Boss' throat with scissors.
  • Worker impales Boss' stomach with an umbrella.
  • Worker hits the Boss over his head, breaking the computer keyboard in half,cramming it inside of Boss' mouth,even stamping on the Boss while he is on the ground.
  • Worker easy uses his fists to beat the Boss to death.
  • Worker throws a ruler like a ninja star,making a deadly cut inside the Boss' head.
  • Then he pulls the can over his head,and kicks him with knees until he is dead.
  • Worker hits the Boss' head with a garbage can.
  • Worker slams the office computer monitor on the Boss several times, after he throws the monitor at the boss.
  • Worker beats up the Boss with his coffee mug.
  • Worker hits the Boss with a stapler until he is dead.
  • The player can press the cleaner button, so he could find another way of killing the boss. Once the boss is dead, the worker plays his music on the MP3 player or plays video games on the computer. The worker's goal is to kill its boss over 24 different ways.
  • 2 Whack Your Boss 2: Fantasy Edition (2016).

  • Whack the boss 2 fantasy